Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Got most of my classes

Round 1 results are in, and I got most of my classes. 5 out of 6 bids, actually. Security Analysis was the one that I didn't get, and we were just notified that they may open up another small section of the course with a different prof. In the mean time, I have put in a bid for Advanced Corp Finance just in case the additional section doesn't come through.

Here are the classes I got:

Entrepreneurial Finance (taught by the Dean and another prof)

Pricing Strategies (w/Prof Wadhwa, known as one of the best profs at CBS)

Launching New Ventures (in this course you develop a biz plan)

Business, Innovation, and Technology (Michael Dell's brother teaches this one, but I am probably going to drop it for the finance courses I mentioned above)

Retailing: Financial, Marketing, and Strategic Integration (lots of great guest speakers)

So, I'm fairly happy with how things have turned out.

In other news, I managed to finish in the top 50% of the poker tourney, but that was where my luck ended. We had two tables going and I made it out of the first table into the final table, but I got a bad hand where I went all-in and that took me out. The guy whose pic I showed in one of my recent posts won the whole thing. Go figure :)

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