Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cluster H 2008 Trailer

Yes, I was in Cluster X 2008, not Cluster H. However, I still thought this was a great video. Cluster H filmed and photographed various parts of their two years at CBS and then someone in the cluster pieced together this great 'trailer', montage, whatever you want to call it. I think it gives a good sense of the community at CBS and what we all affectionately call "cluster love".

Watch the video and see what I mean.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the shout out John! This is a preview for a ~ 90 minute feature length documentary we are editing this summer. It features interviews with 30+ members of our cluster and various profs and deans. We hope to update the film every 5 years after graduation with updates on what the members of the cluster have been doing. Should be interesting!
- Alison