Monday, June 09, 2008

Great tips for those starting internships

This is a post from my friend Marquis, who I used to work with at Scient (my first job out of undergrad). Marquis later went to Stanford GSB and then on to McKinsey (and he is still there).

He gives a bunch of tips for those of you MBAs starting your internships. Take a look.


Unknown said...


I spotted a link to your blog on Columbia's Public Offering blog and found a lot of what you've written to be very interesting. Was wondering if you might have time for a brief phone interview to help me out with a project I'm working on. I work for Clear Admit, a Philadelphia-based management admissions consultancy formed by business school grads. In addition to guiding prospective applicants through the MBA application process, Clear Admit also produces school guides on each of the top business schools. This year, the hope is to update the guides to include the experiences of current and recent students. (Until now, the guides have been mostly facts and figures.)

Your post today actually caught my attention because I had a great interview sometime last month with your friend Marquis Parker about his Stanford MBA experience.

So, my ask: Could I talk you into spending 20 minutes or so on the phone with me sometime this week answering a few questions about your CBS experience? It will be painless, I promise. And we can make it as quick as you need it to be. I realize you're probably insanely busy -- I am behind on my deadline and can pretty much make myself available anytime it would be convenient for you to talk.

Just shoot me an email with a time or times that would work for you and the best number to reach you.

I so appreciate any help you can provide. (Did I mention that I am desperately behind on my deadline...and that it won't be long and might even be fun?)


Jeanette Brown
Clear Admit Lead Reporter
(551) 655-3079

Unknown said...


I spotted a link to your blog on Columbia's Public Offering blog and found a lot of what you've written to be very interesting. Was wondering if you might have time for a brief phone interview to help me out with a project I'm working on. I work for Clear Admit, a Philadelphia-based management admissions consultancy formed by business school grads. In addition to guiding prospective applicants through the MBA application process, Clear Admit also produces school guides on each of the top business schools. This year, the hope is to update the guides to include the experiences of current and recent students. (Until now, the guides have been mostly facts and figures.)

Your post today actually caught my attention because I had a great interview sometime last month with your friend Marquis Parker about his Stanford MBA experience.

So, my ask: Could I talk you into spending 20 minutes or so on the phone with me sometime this week answering a few questions about your CBS experience? It will be painless, I promise. And we can make it as quick as you need it to be. I realize you're probably insanely busy -- I am behind on my deadline and can pretty much make myself available anytime it would be convenient for you to talk.

Just shoot me an email with a time or times that would work for you and the best number to reach you.

I so appreciate any help you can provide. (Did I mention that I am desperately behind on my deadline...and that it won't be long and might even be fun?)


Jeanette Brown
Clear Admit Lead Reporter
(551) 655-3079