Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Somehow I managed to get sick over the last couple days -- again. Very annoying but I'd rather it happen now then in April during finals. Nothing beats the night sweats....

Anyways, that was probably TMI but onto the relevant

We just had our Club Fair day and club registrations started as well. There is something for everybody (just like NYC) - The French Club, The Italian Club, The Management Consulting Club, The Wine Club, The Rugby Club...

Ahh yes, the Rugby club. Definitely not one that if you knew me (or my body-mass-index) you'd think I would join :) Wouldn't be something I would have done in the past but I figure I'm only in business school once, so what the hell! This also means I get to go on the 'training' trip to Trinidad and Tobago on Spring Break. Not a bad way to kick things off...

Our first midterm is on Tuesday (Statistics) so this weekend will be focused on that as well as our first Corp Fin case which is due on Monday. Also planning to host a dinner for my study group on Saturday, and oh yeah, CBS Happy Hour on Thursday and Cluster X gathering on Friday night.

Catch you on the flip side....

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