Saturday, February 24, 2007

I wanted to take a moment to relay some interesting tidbits from the recent breakfast Dean Hubbard hosted at Uris:

- School logo is being redesigned (had to put the least interesting thing first!)
- J-term is being reduced to 2 clusters (from 3) until the new Manhattanville campus is completed. (I believe this reduction will begin next year.)
- A renewed focus on use of CBS-branded cases in the classroom.

Other than that, not much new other than studying for midterms and finals. I did take a study break on Thursday night and went to Happy Hour. The BBSA (Black Business Student Association) hosted their annual charity auction (supports the general scholarship fund) which let us CBS'ers bid on an electic array of items - professors' neckties, vacations to various parts of the world, sports tickets, and even lunch with Gilbert Arenas of the Washington Wizards! I put in for some baseball tickets, the lunch with Gilbert was too rich for my blood at $2000!

The other great thing about the auction was that I heard J-term contributed the most items, and my cluster came STRONG with all sorts of items and prizes big and small. Go J-term!


Anonymous said...

Johnny, you mentioned that J-term is being reduced to 2 clusters (from 3) until the new Manhattanville campus is completed.

How will this affect the number of J-term students admitted in the future? Thanks for any insight you can provide on the selectivity of the J-term program. Thank you.

John said...

I am not sure how it will affect selectivity. That's probably a good question for the admissions folks. I know that some CBS admissions folks hang out on the Businessweek boards, you might want to ask there. Sorry I can't be of more help on that one.

realGirish said...


Can you shed some light on the reduction of clusters to 2? At an admission event in San Francisco someone mentioned that it has been talked about but not decided for sure. Thank you.

John said...

Girish -

You'd have to check with admissions on that one.